Drop and #[may_dangle]

A generic Type<T> that manually implements Drop should consider whether a #[may_dangle] attribute is appropriate on T. The Nomicon has some details on what #[may_dangle] is all about.

If a generic Type<T> has a manual drop implementation that may also involve dropping T then dropck needs to know about it. If Type<T>'s ownership of T is expressed through types that don't drop T themselves such as ManuallyDrop<T>, *mut T, or MaybeUninit<T> then Type<T> also needs a PhantomData<T> field to tell dropck that T may be dropped. Types in the standard library that use the internal Unique<T> pointer type don't need a PhantomData<T> marker field. That's taken care of for them by Unique<T>.

As a real-world example of where this can go wrong, consider an OptionCell<T> that looks something like this:

struct OptionCell<T> {
    is_init: bool,
    value: MaybeUninit<T>,

impl<T> Drop for OptionCell<T> {
    fn drop(&mut self) {
        if self.is_init {
            // Safety: `value` is guaranteed to be fully initialized when `is_init` is true.
            // Safety: The cell is being dropped, so it can't be accessed again.
            unsafe { self.value.assume_init_drop() };

Adding a #[may_dangle] attribute to this OptionCell<T> that didn't have a PhantomData<T> marker field opened up a soundness hole for T's that didn't strictly outlive the OptionCell<T>, and so could be accessed after being dropped in their own Drop implementations. The correct application of #[may_dangle] also required a PhantomData<T> field:

struct OptionCell<T> {
    is_init: bool,
    value: MaybeUninit<T>,
+   _marker: PhantomData<T>,

- impl<T> Drop for OptionCell<T> {
+ unsafe impl<#[may_dangle] T> Drop for OptionCell<T> {

For reviewers

If there's a manual Drop implementation, consider whether #[may_dangle] is appropriate. If it is, make sure there's a PhantomData<T> too either through Unique<T> or as a field directly.